What Are Coconut Charcoal Briquettes?


Charcoal has been used for grilling and cooking for centuries, but recently, there has been a surge in popularity of coconut charcoal briquettes. Unlike traditional hardwood charcoal briquettes, these are made from coconut shells, making them a more eco-friendly and sustainable alternative.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at what coconut charcoal briquettes are and why they're becoming a popular choice for grilling and cooking enthusiasts.


Coconut Shell vs Hardwood Charcoal Briquette

Traditional hardwood charcoal briquettes are made from compressed sawdust and other wood by-products, which can contain chemicals and additives that release harmful chemicals when burned.

On the other hand, coconut charcoal briquettes are made from coconut shells, a waste product of the coconut industry, making them an environmentally friendly option.

In addition, coconut shells are a premium fuel source, producing more heat and longer burning time than traditional wood charcoal.


Benefits of Using Coconut Charcoal Briquettes

There are several benefits to using coconut charcoal briquettes: 

High Heat Output

Coconut charcoal briquettes have a high heat output, meaning they can produce more heat than traditional briquettes made from wood or other materials. This makes them ideal for grilling, barbecuing, and other high-heat cooking applications.

The high calorific value of coconut charcoal allows it to burn hotter and for longer than other types of briquettes, making it a more efficient and cost-effective fuel source.

Additionally, the uniform size and shape of the coconut charcoal briquette allow for more precise temperature control, making it easier to cook food to the desired doneness.


Eco-friendly Option

Coconut charcoal is made from the shells of coconuts, which are a waste product of the food industry. Using coconut charcoal as a fuel source helps to reduce waste and prevent the shells from ending up in landfills.

Furthermore, coconut charcoal has a low carbon footprint compared to other types of briquettes, as the carbon emissions from its production and use are significantly lower. This makes coconut charcoal a more eco-friendly option for those looking to reduce their impact on the environment.

Additionally, coconut charcoal is renewable and biodegradable, meaning it can be used over and over again and will eventually break down in the environment, unlike other briquettes that may take centuries to decompose.


Long-lasting Burn Time

They have a long-lasting burn time compared to other types of briquettes due to their high density and low moisture content. Coconut charcoal is made by heating coconut shells in a kiln without access to air, which removes moisture and drives off volatile organic compounds.

This process results in a denser, more compact briquette that burns more slowly and steadily than other types of briquettes.

Furthermore, the low moisture content means they are less likely to produce flare-ups or unpredictable burn patterns, allowing for more consistent heat output over time.

This, in turn, means that these charcoal briquettes need to be replaced less frequently than other types of briquettes, making them a more cost-effective option for grilling and barbecuing.


Fewer Ash Residues

These charcoal briquettes produce less ash compared to other briquettes, which makes them easier to clean up after use.

This is due to the high density and low moisture content of the briquettes, which means that there is less material left over after combustion. The result is a smaller amount of ash that is easier to dispose of and less likely to clog grill grates or affect the taste of food.

Additionally, because these charcoal briquettes are made from natural materials, the ash they produce is non-toxic and can be safely disposed of in a compost bin or used as a natural fertilizer. 


No Chemical Additives

These charcoal briquettes do not contain any chemical additives, making them a healthier choice for cooking and grilling.

Unlike traditional briquettes that may contain binders, fillers, and other chemicals, these briquettes are made from natural coconut shells that are simply heated and compressed.

This means that there are no toxic chemicals released into the air when the briquettes are burned, and no chemical residues left on the food being cooked. The lack of chemical additives makes it a safer option for people with chemical sensitivities or allergies.


Better Flavor

Coconut charcoal briquettes are odorless and tasteless, meaning they do not affect the flavor of the food being cooked. This makes them a popular choice among professional chefs and home cooks alike.

This makes them an ideal choice for grilling and barbecuing, as the food retains its natural taste and aroma without being overpowered by the flavor of the fuel source.

Additionally, because coconut charcoal briquettes are made from natural materials, they produce very little smoke compared to other types of briquettes, which can also affect the flavor of food. 


Easy to Light

These charcoal briquettes are easy to light, making them a convenient choice for grilling and barbecuing. The high density and low moisture content of the briquettes mean that they ignite quickly and burn steadily, reducing the time it takes to get the grill or barbecue up to temperature.

Additionally, because these charcoal briquettes are uniform in size and shape, they provide a consistent heat source that is easier to control than other types of briquettes, which can have irregular shapes and sizes. This makes it easier to cook food to the desired doneness, and reduces the need for constant adjustments to the fuel source.

The ease of lighting also means that these are a convenient option for outdoor cooking, as they do not require any special equipment or preparation to get started.


COCO BBQ: Coconut Shell Charcoal

If you want to try shell charcoal briquettes for grilling or barbeque, try the premium quality coconut shell charcoal by COCO BBQ. You can buy it here. If you have any questions about the product, you can contact us here

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